Tag Archive for: dutch fashion brand

A man in a skirt is an image which many fashion designers tried to portray. Throughout fashion history we have seen many attempts but it never sticked and reached the consumer. Which is strange, thinking that the trousers actually don’t exist that long as the typical daily male attire. But today I think the image of a man in skirt is getting more and more accepted by the crowd. So can we say we are on the verge of seeing more men skirts in our street image? 

Brief history of the skirt

In Greece the skirt symbolized virility and youth, as does the Scottish kilt. The kilt is actually an English invention as the tartan robes the Scottish men wore, weren’t practical in battle. Thinking that the robes existed out of long pieces of cloth wrapped around the body. If you think you have to fight for your life, you don’t want to wear gear that falls of your body easily. Because of this same practicality the kilt design was adopted.

The roman and greek daily male attire wasn’t that much different from the female attire. We all imagine the Greek and Roman people wearing toga like robes. Today still in some cultures in Africa, Asia, and Oceania the pants doesn’t exist in their traditional costume.

Trouser an item of combat

Trousers were invented as robes weren’t that comfortable on horseback. And in battle those who wore trousers often had the upper hand. Mainly for this reason the trouser was adopted by many civilizations all over the world to survive battle. So we actually can say that the trouser had mostly a military purpose.


So knowing now about the history of the skirt and trousers, we definitely can say that men were wearing skirts way longer than trousers. But why don’t we see the image of men in skirts in our daily street fashion? Here is why; Since the 19th century the skirt got strictly banned as a male garment as it didn’t fit the concept of masculinity, a moralistic criteria imposed by Christianity. So it is actually religion that wiped out the skirts for men as it was not found masculine enough. Why is not known to us, an image of men in skirts was seen for centuries but was no longer accepted.

We find this remarkable, as the christian religious attires are mostly long robe like flowy shirts and sometimes combined with lace depending on the position you have in the Catholic Church. Now why would we find this image masculine? I personally don’t have a clue.

The image of a man in a skirt or in a feminine outfit is still for so many people in today’s society a strange picture. Well I think it is time to change this thought. Of course it will not happen overnight and perhaps it will take years for it to be fully accepted in the street style image. But for now if we don’t set in the change for sure nothing will happen. People, it is time to change our perspective on men in skirts!

What does Haruco-vert contribute in this change

Our mission is that we believe that by reimagining fashion we can inspire others to be more (self)conscious. By saying this we actually mean to give the viewer a new perspective on fashion. All our collections are made for people who dare to make a statement, regardless of age, size or gender(identity). We believe it is very important that people can safely be themselves. This said we also believe it is important to support the men in skirts community. And by actually put skirts on the fashion market for men is how we do it! Currently we have 3 unisex skirt designs out and they will be the first of many. We are actually proud to say that these skirts are one of our best sold items!

More and more people believe that clothes should be genderless. As Haruco-vert’s designer I believe that too. Of course people should always dress in what they feel most comfortable in. Whether that is masculine, feminine, or somewhere within the human spectrum. In the end we are all human with a common origin. To contribute to a more genderless fashion I decided last year to make it part of our mission.

Mission statement

We believe that by reimagining fashion we can inspire others to be more (self)conscious. In all our sustainably designed items we challenge textures and shapes to evolve in an elegant roughness. All our collections are made for people who dare to make a statement, regardless of age, size or gender(identity).

Unified; genderless fashion

All people should be able to dress as they want and to be able to express themselves accordingly. That’s why we expanded our fashion label with a unisex sublabel named ‘Unified’. This is where male and female elements intertwine in genderless fashion. With this we contribute to creating a neutral sanctuary, making room to express yourself with fashion anyway you like. With our Unified items we hope to contribute to a more open unisex fashion world where much is still unexplored.

All items within our unisex label ‘Unified’ can be worn neutral or with a masculine or feminine approach. This depends on how you style it, but most importantly what you radiate. Fabrics with a tougher look we soften through adding elements as chiffon. Also using fabrics, such a classic pinstripe, in an unexpected way so the outcome is not an expected masculine suit but a sweater. Which is an item that is not associated with a particular gender.

The genderless clothing items we created within Unified are therefore very suitable items for a joint wardrobe. Knowing that the fashion industry is one of the most polluting industries a joint wardrobe gives more usage out of your garments. This is in line of Haruco-verts sustainable mindset. And besides all, how cool is it to able to share your clothes with your loved ones!

Since we founded our fashion brand Haruco-vert in the beginning of 2007 we soon noticed that it was a remarkable name. People came up with the funniest name corruptions. So let’s go through a few of them!

On the first place is the most common name corruption of our fashion brand, especially amongst the Dutch, is Haricots vert, the green bean. It’s the first thing our name is associated with as apparently the Dutch have those quite a lot on their menu. Funny enough the French (as haricots vert is a French word) don’t have this association at all. Harico-vert is another corruption we see. It is almost right but still too much thinking of the green bean here. We also come across Haricovert, without the hyphen, quite sometime. Although the hyphen is silent we don’t blame people. This way of writing also occurs when people think of Haricots verts but don’t know how to write it.

We applaud people who write ‘harucovert’, as this is what it comes to, because all the letters right. Sometimes people will even write HA.RU.CO~VERT. Also in this case we applaud to people, as they have written our brand completely according to our first logo image.

Haruco-vert what does it mean?

Why did we choose for this difficult name in the first place? Well perhaps time to tell you. Haruco is a combination of the first letters of our first names. Also Haruco is a Japanese female name. Its most common translation is “spring child”. Spring reminds us of young, fresh and green. As we are inspired by Japanese art, fashion and fashion items such as the kimono we found Haruco a very suitable name to use. Combining Haruco with the French word for green, which is ‘vert’, Haruco-vert was born. An international touch by just using a combination of the first letters of our first names and mostly inspired by the Japanse national historical garments and art it just seemed right for us. That’s why we chose the difficult name Haruco-vert as our brand name. It just sticks to you or it doesn’t!

New logo

Since 2007 when we started Haruco-vert we had our first logo designed. After 15 years we found it time to update our logo and make it more fresh. So it is time to present you with our new haruco-vert logo!


For the Dutch version click here.


haruco-vert logo

haruco-vert logo

Begin 2007 hebben we ons modemerk Haruco-vert opgericht. We merkten al snel dat onze naam een bijzondere naam is. Mensen kwamen met allerlei grappige verbasteringen. Laten we er een paar doornemen!

Op de eerste plaats is de meest voorkomende verbastering van ons modemerk Haricots-vert, de groene boon. Het is het eerste waar onze naam mee wordt geassocieerd. Grappig genoeg hebben de Fransen (aangezien haricots vert een Frans woord is) deze associatie helemaal niet. Harico-vert is een andere verbastering die we zien. Het is bijna goed. Maar nog steeds te veel denken aan de sperzieboon hier. We komen ook wel eens Haricovert tegen, zonder het koppelteken. Deze manier van schrijven komt ook voor wanneer mensen aan Haricots verts denken… Maar niet weten hoe ze het moeten schrijven.

We juichen mensen toe die ‘harucovert’ schrijven. Alle letters kloppen! Soms schrijven mensen zelfs HA.RU.CO~VERT. Ook in dit geval juichen we de mensen toe. Ze hebben ons merk volledig geschreven volgens ons eerste logo.

Een volgende poging is dat als mensen het niet op onze naam kunnen vinden er andere woorden worden toegevoegd. Zo merken we dat ook zoektermen als Haricots vert mode, Haricots-vert kleding, of harico-vert fashion worden gebruikt.

Haruco-vert wat betekent het?

Waarom hebben we in de eerste plaats voor deze moeilijke naam gekozen? Misschien tijd om het je te vertellen. Haruco is een combinatie van de eerste letters van onze voornamen. Ook is Haruco een Japanse vrouwelijke naam. De meest voorkomende vertaling is “lentekind”. De lente doet ons denken aan jong, fris en groen. Omdat we ons laten inspireren door Japanse kunst, mode en fashion items zoals de kimono, vonden we Haruco een zeer geschikte naam.

Door Haruco te combineren met het Franse woord voor groen, dat ‘vert’ is, werd Haruco-vert geboren. Een internationaal tintje door een combinatie van de eerste letters van onze voornamen te gebruiken. En met name geïnspireerd door de Japanse nationale historische kledingstukken en kunst leek het ons passend. Daarom hebben we als merknaam de moeilijke naam Haruco-vert gekozen. Het blijft gewoon bij je hangen of niet! Tegenwoordig staat de ‘vert’ voor ons ook voor de groene, duurzame kant van ons label. Daarover vertellen we je meer in een van onze volgende blogs.

Nieuw logo

Sinds 2007, toen we Haruco-vert begonnen, lieten we ons eerste logo ontwerpen. Na 15 jaar vonden we het tijd om ons logo te updaten en frisser te maken. Tijd dus om ons nieuwe haruco-vert logo te presenteren!


haruco-vert logo


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