A remarkable name
Since we founded our fashion brand Haruco-vert in the beginning of 2007 we soon noticed that it was a remarkable name. People came up with the funniest name corruptions. So let’s go through a few of them!
On the first place is the most common name corruption of our fashion brand, especially amongst the Dutch, is Haricots vert, the green bean. It’s the first thing our name is associated with as apparently the Dutch have those quite a lot on their menu. Funny enough the French (as haricots vert is a French word) don’t have this association at all. Harico-vert is another corruption we see. It is almost right but still too much thinking of the green bean here. We also come across Haricovert, without the hyphen, quite sometime. Although the hyphen is silent we don’t blame people. This way of writing also occurs when people think of Haricots verts but don’t know how to write it.
We applaud people who write ‘harucovert’, as this is what it comes to, because all the letters right. Sometimes people will even write HA.RU.CO~VERT. Also in this case we applaud to people, as they have written our brand completely according to our first logo image.
Haruco-vert what does it mean?
Why did we choose for this difficult name in the first place? Well perhaps time to tell you. Haruco is a combination of the first letters of our first names. Also Haruco is a Japanese female name. Its most common translation is “spring child”. Spring reminds us of young, fresh and green. As we are inspired by Japanese art, fashion and fashion items such as the kimono we found Haruco a very suitable name to use. Combining Haruco with the French word for green, which is ‘vert’, Haruco-vert was born. An international touch by just using a combination of the first letters of our first names and mostly inspired by the Japanse national historical garments and art it just seemed right for us. That’s why we chose the difficult name Haruco-vert as our brand name. It just sticks to you or it doesn’t!
New logo
Since 2007 when we started Haruco-vert we had our first logo designed. After 15 years we found it time to update our logo and make it more fresh. So it is time to present you with our new haruco-vert logo!
For the Dutch version click here.

haruco-vert logo